Rothschild 87
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Originality. Relevance. Timelessness. Daring.The four pillars that build an architectural creation into a masterpiece. Yet they cannot stand alone. For it is not the pillars themselves, but the experience they bear aloft – intelligent, precise, one-of-a-kind – that makes this creation complete and unparalleled.

Amid the succession of beautiful buildings that have won Rothschild Boulevard the coveted title of “World Heritage Site,” one unique structure stands out, with a distinctive charm that captures the gaze and hearts of all those who look upon it. Rothschild 87 is simply the highlight of the entire historic boulevard.

Developers: Eli Lavie and Dror Nagel (Kav Hayam); Architects: Stability Studio; 3D rendering visuals: The Craft. Web Development: Binternet